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Pebbles on the Sand


Meditation Class

Who hasn’t experienced stress in their life? Who hasn't muddled their way through disbelief, confusion, doubts and worries in this journey called life? The body’s tired. The mind certainly is. And the Spirit is calling for some much-needed TLC. 


The first step to experiencing less stress is to give yourself permission to relax and let go of the worry with the everyday stuff that occupies life. The best way to relax and let go is with meditation. Meditation has been proven effective at reducing stress and allowing peace into your life.


You’re invited! Design a meditation practice that works for you!

Over the past 20 years I’ve learned we are all unique and what type of meditation works for one may not for another. In this class we will learn and practice several different ways to meditate and discover not only what meditation means for you, but what works for you!

I will be hosting a small, (6 person) 3-hour meditation class on 3 different days at 3 different times hoping to accommodate anyone who wishes to attend. We will learn various types of meditative breathing, discover what stones work best with our practice, and practice solo and guided meditations, learning what works best for you!

Dates and times are:


Wednesday Oct. 2 from 9am to noon

Thursday Oct. 3 from 2-5 pm

Friday Oct. 4 from 6-9 pm

Cost: $35.


Please email or text me with what date and time works for you.

I look forward to seeing you.




phone: 208-484-5106


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